Friday, February 28, 2014

Education Matters

At The Management Trust, we put an emphasis on education and training – for not only our community association managers, but for all of our employee owners.  Our philosophy is the more knowledgeable we are, the better we can serve our clients and communities. Are you aware of the educational certifications that your Community Association Manager holds? Here is a brief breakdown:
While most states do not currently require community association managers to be  licensed, Nevada is one requires that all association managers to be certified through  the Nevada Real Estate Division. Managers of common interest developments (like HOA’s)  must renew their certificate every two years.
For Trust divisions that don’t require a state license by law, our community association mangers go through extensive training to receive their accreditation from groups such as the nation-wide Community Associations Institute (CAI) or the regional California Association of Community Managers (CACM). As an important partner in the success of the homeowner associations we manage, we believe that the more knowledgeable the manager, the more successful that community will be.  Below you will see the definition of some of the acronyms that are behind your manager’s name:
     CMCA- Certified Manager of Community Associations:     The CMCA recognizes individuals who have demonstrated the fundamental knowledge required to manage  community associations, including governance/legal matters, financial maintenance, and insurance. 
     AMS- Association Management Specialist:     The second level in the CAI career development track for community association managers.
     PCAM- Professional Community Association Manager:     The highest professional recognition available nationwide to managers who specialize in community association management.
     LSM- Large Scale Manager:     This specialist designation is available only to  experienced large-scale managers (minimum of 1,000 units) who hold an active PCAM  designation.
     CCAM- Certified Community Association Manager:     Demonstrates the fundamental  knowledge needed to manage a community association. The CCAM teaches best  business practices, California-specific laws and ethical guidelines to apply when managing community associations.
     MCAM – Master of Community Association Management:     The highest  professional recognition available for California community association managers.
In addition to the certification of individuals, management firms like The Management Trust also have the ability to become certified.
     AAMC- Accredited Association Management Company:     The AAMC accreditation  demonstrates a company's commitment to providing the unique and diverse services  community associations need and ensures that their managers have advanced training and demonstrated commitment to the industry.
     ACMF - Accredited Community Management Firm:     The ACMF program was  established to ensure standards of practice and professionalism for firms managing  California community associations.
The Management Trust divisions are proud to be certified as either AAMC or ACMF.
To learn more about our educational requirements or your manager’s certifications, please feel free to contact your local division of The Management Trust.
By Chryl Christian, The Management Trust-Nevada
How important is it to you that your manager has professional certification? Let us know in the comments below!

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