Friday, February 28, 2014

Would you Book Before you Look?

When you are searching for a hotel room for your upcoming vacation, do you look at listings that include horrible images or none at all? The answer is, probably not. Photos are extremely important when it comes to online booking sales and reservations.

Over 65% of individuals are visual learners, so this means that having professional hotel photography within a website can make or break a sale. Why are images so important? A recent study proved that 7% of US hotel guests stopped short of booking a reservation due to the lack of visual content.

Visual content is what drives the travel industry and is crucial to running a successful business. This is where professional hotel photography and virtual tours come into play. The virtual tour business is a key component to the success of the travel industry. Hotel owners desire fresh, high quality images to increase their revenue.

Here are some fun facts:
•    94% more views are attracted by content containing high quality images, than content without images.
•    Properties with more than 20 photos get 150% more engagement.
•    More than 50% of US online travel shoppers use professional photography.
•    75% of US hotel guests said that photography is important and ranks within the top 3 features when doing initial research.

So the more that you hear about content being king, just remember that visual content makes this statement true. Provide your clients with high quality content and they will always come back for for another stay!

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