Step 1
If you downsize your home to save money, you will have to take some time to decide what you will take from your house.
It really won’t be easy sifting through your things when downsizing your home but it has to be done. You cannot take everything to your new home and even if you want to leave nothing behind, it still means using storage. Where else would you keep all of your household items which you won’t take to your apartment? Go to every premise in your home downsizing home to apartment and decide what is to take, what is to be thrown away and what you will do with the rest. We’ve given you plenty of ideas in previous articles like Holding a Moving Sale Tips and How to Get Rid of Unwanted Items when Moving so we won’t go over this topic again. If you are downsizing home to save money then you will probably choose to have more items separated for sale, donation, etc. and less things to go to your new home.
Step 2
Organize the items’ moving process. Once you have prepared what you will be moving divide it into two piles – stuff which will be relocated to your new home and stuff which will go to storage. When downsizing home size it is very difficult to leave everything you have right now, isn’t it? That is why storage is a convenient option in such cases. If you’re downsizing home for money then probably you will choose to avoid storage in order to save money. If you will be needing storage, this is what to consider. The downsizing process will be easier to organize if you know what to do with each item that you have. This is also one of the benefits of downsizing – you will have less items to take care of, less things to dust from the shelves, less items to repair, etc. And that can save you effort, time and money – costs from maintenance.
Step 3
If you want to keep many of the things you have in your house but there’s no room for them in your apartment, use storage.
Get the movers going. Especially if you will need storage when downsizing home size you will be needing professional help to assist you with your move. If downsizing home to save money then you can ask for a quote and limit yourself to relocation services only unless your company is paying for your move. Getting a reputabe mover for your move is important even if you will be using only some of the moving services. Downsizing your home will be easier if you have professional assistance on your side. There are often heavy items in a home, antiques, things that are difficult to move like piano, so who will handle all those things? A moving company can not only do that for you, but it can also give you tips and a rough estimate of your home downsizing costs.
Step 4
What else do you have to do when downsizing home for money? If this is the reason for your move then it is necessary to consider what mortgage you will be using and will you be getting a home loan. It is ok to do these things once you have a plan and know what you are doing. Make precise and accurate estimations of your incomes and expenses in order to take the best decision. When downsizing home to save money it is not easy to say goodbye to the things you have and plan your finances, but focus on the fact that you are doing it for the better for yourself and your partner/ family.
Downsizing with style
Don’t give up and keep your hopes up when downsizing your home to a condo. After relocating remember to get to know the area, look for ways to make new friends and ways to adapt to this huge change in your life. Doing that will alleviate the consequences from the move like the cultural shock eventually. Once you have your mind set to it and you choose to look for the positive side of it, downsizing home to apartment will seem much less stressful to you, more entertaining and exciting! If you want more help and tips for your move, we have plenty of great articles in our Resources section which are all free for you to use.
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