Friday, March 14, 2014

How an Island Inn Captured 25% of their Facebook Fans’ Emails

25% of a t-shirt does you no good.
25% of a car might as well be a hunk of metal in your garage.
25% of Facebook fans’ emails is a home run for any social media marketing manager.
Paul Abdo, a Heyo customer, is the social media marketing manager for Nicollet Island Inn.
Like many of us, Paul is not a developer but needed to quickly launch a Facebook campaign that drove brand engagement and captured fan emails.
The result was a campaign Paul built in about 34 minutes that asked fans to “like,” “share,” “tweet,” and enter their email for a chance to win. Here is what Paul put in the Heyo contest template to communicate what the prize was to his fans:
“This year, the most romantic destination in the Twin Cities wants to make your Valentine’s planing a little easier: The Nicollet Island Inn is giving away a deluxe room, breakfast in bed and a diamond key locket to 2 lucky winners! One winner will be chosen for Feb 14th and for the 15th, but the contest closes at midnight on Feb. 9th. So sign up, try your luck and happy Valentine’s Day from the Nicollet Island Inn!“
The results were incredible. For every 100 fans of Nicollet Island Inn that viewed the campaign, 25 participated and opted in.
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After the campaign was all said and done, Paul had engaged thousands of fans and added 715 emails to his email marketing list.

How Paul Did It

Paul used the Heyo Contest Template, which is a premium template available on Heyo Grow and Lead plans.
The branding on the campaign helped fans immediately feel comfortable because they already had an affinity for the Nicollet Island Inn through past experiences. The contest template features the ability to put your own logo in the upper left by dragging and dropping your logo onto the campaign.
Secondly, the larger image on the right is the perfect spot for you to feature whatever your incentive is. In Paul’s case, it was a romantic getaway.
To really drive conversions Paul needed ways to help viewers of the campaign actually take action. Because Heyo tests premium templates beforehand, we’re able to make smart recommendations about how to get conversion rates even higher than 25%.
One element that helps do this is the countdown. We recommend you never run a campaign that goes longer than a week or two. When a viewer sees the countdown approaching zero, it drives action.
Remember, it’s really easy to lose a fan’s attention to any number of distractions on Facebook: a new friend request, an enticing notification, or a new message from a friend.
Lastly, by making the steps viewers needed to take clear, Paul drove more conversions. Asking for the email first creates commitment and increases the likelihood that the fan will then do the rest of the steps.
Steps 2-4 are how your Heyo Contest Template drives you new traffic for free. By asking your fans to market for you in order to win, they become word-of-mouth advocates to their own friends.
When their own friends click through to the campaign and enter, the cycle repeats. If you use Heyo, you’ll find that your ability to launch high-converting campaigns drastically increases because you’re able to leverage crowdsourced intelligence about what has converted well in the past.
As a cherry on top, any campaign you build in Heyo is also optimized for mobile. This’ll help drive mobile conversions you previously didn’t know existed!

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