Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mogees. What does the world sound like?

We are in the era in which music performance and production has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Mobile apps, DAWs, software and hardware instruments that 5-6 years ago where barely accessible, are now affordable and available to anyone’s disposal.
Among all these amazing tools, there is one that takes the entire music making concept from a unique point of view: its name is Mogees.
Mogees is a combination of a microphone and iOS apps (but soon on Android as well) that allows to play everyday objects as they were musical instruments.
The way it works, the microphone, once attached to any surface, collects the vibrations generated by an object, while the iOS app transforms those vibrations in sounds and pitches. The app is utterly advanced, allowing both free mode and song mode, as much as scale selection (so any surface can be played in a certain key scale, so to preserve melody and harmony structure) and coremidi compatibility (this, for music technology geeks, means that you can have this in sync with any DAW, clever huh?).
If you want to see what the Mogees system is capable about, have a look at the videos below. Unfortunately the project is still being funded on Kick Starter, but do expect to see it hitting soon music and technology shops.
There is also a nice educational angle, the developers are really keen about. Just watch what the kid is capable of in the video below…

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