Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Russian Illustrator Varya Kolesnikova // Artist of the Day

 is a talented illustrator currently based in Petersburg, Russia. Her work always features fanciful, child like creations that tug at the corners of your imagination. Her work is presented in classical story book style with each illustrated frame telling a different story. A picture is said to tell a thousand words and her work definitely breathes life into children’s illustrations. Her compositions leave deep and lasting impressions on children and adults alike. Take a look at her drawings below and catch more information about her at the end.
Varya Kolesnikova
Varya Kolesnikova

About Varya Kolesnikova

“My name is Varya Kolesnikova. I live and work in St. Petersburg. As a child, I wanted to be a writer, then a policeman, then a veterinarian and cynologist, and a writer again. But it happened that I graduated from the philological faculty and became an illustrator.
I love to illustrate children’s books. I love to create worlds in pictures in which you can immerse in like in a warm bath with almond foam so you can forget about reality. Babay, written by Anna Glyanchenko, is living in just such a world. This is a story about the friendship between a boy and a … fur. It tells how the imagined becomes real, warm, soft and alive. It is not just an old tattered fur that falls out from the closet but big and kind Babay who quietly comes to tea.”
Varya Kolesnikova
Varya Kolesnikova
Varya Kolesnikova

More about the illustrator


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