Having a knowledgeable and experienced real estate agent to guide you is highly encouraged during any season but especially in an off season. You are truly the best resource to sell your home and most real estate professionals will sit down with you to learn more about the ‘little things’ that can peak buyer interest. Your home exudes a certain style and personality, and your real estate agent will need your help to identify and highlight the subtle differences.
Buyers have a vast array of media sources reaching out to them, from the internet to social to radio and TV. When talking with your agent, consider how you can address the five senses in your marketing campaign.
- Sight – Sometimes curb appeal is emphasized more than the first open door impression. While it is important to keep your drive and walk ways clear of ice and clean of clutter, it is also important to impact your buyer visually upon entrance. Make it warm and inviting that begs those who enter to relax and stay awhile. Put up all personal items, removed excessive decor and organize your closets. Conscious buyers look everywhere. The little things such as fluffing pillows, opening the blinds to reveal natural light through clean and clear windows, and vacuuming the floor make a difference.
- Sound – Stand at your front door or main entrance. What do you hear? While street noise or the neighbor’s animal may be unavoidable, you can ease the irritation once buyers enter your home. Play classical or jazz music softly in the background. You will have a better chance of holding the attention of a buyer that is relaxed and feeling comfortable.
- Smell – This can be tricky. Start by addressing what buyers do not want to smell. Have an honest friend or your real estate agent evaluate each room. You will want to address odors from pets, and focus on rooms that can have odors from general use, like the kitchen and bathroom. Strong scents are not preferred. Instead, focus on achieving a soft and clean scent. For the kitchen, baking cookies or simmering winter stew is acceptable; just don’t combine your scents. A confused nose is a leaving nose.
- Touch – It is human nature. Buyers will examine, touch and feel what they are looking at. Clean all counter tops and hard surfaces; no one wants greasy fingers after rubbing their hand over the granite in your kitchen. If it can be turned on, lifted up or pushed, it will be touched. The temperature of your home is very important. Make sure it is warm and cozy to the skin. If you have a fireplace, consider lighting it. Glowing candles hit on three of the senses by providing a pleasant scent, warm visual glow and can also give buyers a feeling of warmth.
- Taste – Viewing multiple homes in one day can leave buyers a little hungry and thirsty. Use this to your advantage. A plate of fresh cookies, packaged snacks and bottled water turn your home into a welcomed oasis. The kitchen is vastly considered the heart of the home and what better place to make buyers to feel at ease. Use the opportunity to display your marketing flyer or ‘to go’ card highlighting your home’s features and display a small thank you sign. As buyers reflect back on the homes they toured, yours will stand out.
Selling your home in winter should not be thought of as an impossible task, but it does beg for a different marketing approach. Remember that as the homeowner, you are a valuable asset and have a role to play in the selling of your home.
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