Thursday, March 13, 2014

Social Networking Stats: Foursquare Sees Major Revenue Growth, #RLTM Scoreboard

The #RLTM Scoreboard: Social Networking Stats for the Week
Facebook:1.23 billion monthly active usersvia Facebook
YouTubeover 1 billion monthly unique usersvia YouTube
Twitter:241 million monthly active usersvia re/code
Qzone:599 million monthly active usersvia TechCrunch
Sina Weibo:over 500 million usersvia The Next Web
Renren:over 170 million usersvia iResearch iUser Tracker
VK:over 230 million registered accountsvia VK
LinkedIn:259 million active usersvia LinkedIn
Google Plus:343 million monthly active usersvia GlobalWebIndex
Tumblr:174 million blogsvia Tumblr
Instagram:150 million usersvia Instagram
Vine:40 million registered usersvia Vine
Tagged:20 million unique monthly usersvia Tagged
Foursquare:45 million usersvia TechCrunch
Pinterest:70 million usersvia The Next Web
Reddit:112 million monthly unique visitorsvia Reddit
WhatsApp:450 million usersvia Facebook
SnapChat: ????via TechCrunch
Please email if you have additional updates, or a social network that you feel should be on the list.  
Foursquare Sees Major Revenue Growth in 2013 and Q1 2014
Foursquare is rapidly approaching its fifth birthday, and CEO Dennis Crowley is optimistic about the app’s future.  He announced on CNBC that the platform’s revenues grew 600% in 2013 – pretty impressive.  And growth continues: first quarter revenues in 2014 are on track to be up by 500% compared to Q1 of 2013 (TechCrunch).
A few more stats from the interview:
  • Foursquare has more than 60 million venues in their database
  • over 45 million users
  • over 5 billion check-ins
  • over 1.6 million businesses using the Merchant Platform
Crowley mentioned that Foursquare has turned down several offers to sell the company, and spoke about the platform’s new direction: “We know when you are in a restaurant you’ve never been in before or a city you’ve never been in before. How can Foursquare come to life when you are not thinking about it?”
Will this new focus help Foursquare stay relevant to its users?
Watch the CNBC interview here:

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