Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Strengthening The Foundation Community, One Point at a Time

We're hot on the heels of the Foundation 5.2 release, and we're happy to see how active theFoundation Forum has been since we launched a few months ago. We've reached over 1,500 posts and 4,000 answers with the help of the Foundation community. And we want to recognize people who contribute at a high level. All you have to do is build up your reputation by answering questions and gaining Forum points.
You get a point for each of your answers that's marked "helpful". If your answer is marked as most-helpful you earn 5 additional points. Your points will be displayed on the new "My Forum" page.
Companies constantly ask us to recommend designers and developers versed in Foundation. We saw a need for a place to building a stronger community. Our goal is to build a stronger community that leads the Responsive Design movement. Show off your problem solving skills and share tips and tricks.
  • It's fun to solve problems and get kudos for helping people.
  • Adding your Forum score to your portfolio will make an impact.
  • Responsive design is hot, and the skills needed are gaining in demand. A high Foundation Forum score will help you get jobs.
  • Doing this will help companies find the best people who know the leading RWD Framework (Foundation) for jobs.
  • We can connect people with awesome opportunities.
The Forum is only a few months old, and we already have some powerful contributors and awesome discussions.

Here's a Few Stellar Contributors

Wing is a designer and student who started with just Foundation 4 months ago. We remember helping him set up Orbit back then. Look how far he's come!

Karl is a skilled designer who freelances from Thailand. He knows Foundation well and is great at explaining details.

Brandon is a designer and ZURBian who loves helping people solve problems. He often goes the extra mile by supplying working code in Codepen.

Here's Some Popular Discussions

Often, people want all the benefits of Foundation 5, and still need to support IE8. Some awesome Foundation Fans have collaborated on methods to make IE8 work with Foundation 5. Another example involves fans talking about WordPress, the most used Content Management System out there. Having Foundation and WordPress together makes a powerful combination and makes a popular thread.

What Can Make an Answer More Helpful?

Helpful answers can be anything from clarifying how the grid works, to working code in Codepen.Screenshots help illustrate your points. It's totally OK not have all the answers. Sometimes we can get to the right answer by asking questions. Often, there is more than one right answer. It's interesting to see how different people approach problems.
Helping each other is what our community is all about. It's how we learn from one another. Since we all use Foundation, we can all contribute our knowledge. Together, we are creating a strong community. There are many awesome conversations happening on the Forum right now. Answer questions to support your peers. Mark responses you find helpful and give kudos to the people with opinions you value.
We are looking forward to seeing you participate in the Foundation community!

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