Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In Good Taste Magazine Launching April 15

For six years I have been writing this food blog but I’ve always wanted to do something bigger than write about what I had for breakfast. I love to cook and I have personally experienced the benefits that cooking at home versus constantly eating out and ordering takeout can have on your life and your wallet….and your waist, thank you delicious crab rangoon.
I used to think that if I can cook, anyone can cook, because I’m clumsy and mildly disorganized at home so I assume if I can do it, anyone can, right? No, not at all. That would be like a painter saying, “if I can paint, anyone can.” And yeah, no artistic ability over here whatsoever. Because I happen to love to cook, it’s my creative outlet and while it happens to also be a huge part of social life for most people, it isn’t always a priority. People connect over food and drink but not everyone lives to eat, not everyone is thinking about dinner before they eat lunch. Nonetheless,  food is the one thing we all kind of have in common.

What’s up?

For the last two years I’ve been working with Karen Young and running the Chicago edition of a wonderful site called My Daily Find Chicago. I learned a lot about writing, editing and met countless people in my community who I hope to know forever. In August, Karen decided to close the My Daily Find franchise and though I initially planned to keep the site alive, a part of me knew that what I am supposed to do is write about food. I want to motivate people to learn about it, cook it at home for friends and family and dine out more selectively. I want cooking to be a special occasion, not just something you have to do because you have to eat. That means it needs to be easy, accessible and not intimidating to people who don’t know a plantain from a salad fork (please don’t run away if you can identify neither of those things).
The truth is, we don’t cook from scratch all the time and we like shortcuts. We also like pulling off a romantic date night at home and celebrating a friend’s birthday with ease and elegance. We like to dress down and stay in and we like to dress up and go out. We’re indecisive and that’s fine.
I’m talking about we as a collective group here, I haven’t lost it just yet.

What’s next?

On April 15, this site will close and In Good Taste Magazine will launch. I have a talented food photographer on my team and Leigh Loftus knows how to use her camera in ways that I could literally comprehend. I found a designer, Kristin Miaso, who understood my vision and nailed it on the first try. And I have a development team that is probably working late nights to accommodate my deadline because you’re all waiting patiently for the new In Good Taste, right?
We’re not calling ourselves a blog because the definition of a blog is “a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.” We’re going to do so much more than that and while there will be some opinion here, our mission is to inform, educate and entertain about how to make the everyday — cooking, dining, entertaining and even fashion, beauty and home — a special occasion. I have a talented team of writers who will supplement when you’re getting too sick of me. I’m excited.

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