Friday, February 28, 2014

Memorable Laundry Rooms Sell Houses

The situation: your home is for sale and it’s not selling.  Lots of homebuyers have come to look at your home and yet you still don’t have an offer.
Here in the land of tan houses that all look the same (Phoenix, AZ real estate), making your home memorable to a homebuyer is tougher than it sounds.
The typical advice from a REALTOR® is to make the whole house neutral, paint the whole house in a neutral paint shade.  The real kicker is most of the homes, here, were built pretty neutral to start.  The exterior of the homes all look the same! The interior: the floors, the paint & the kitchen are usually tan and not memorable.
If a homebuyer goes to see several homes in one day (some real estate agents will take the buyer to way too many homes in one day*), how will yours stand out? How will you make your home the house that buyer wants to buy?
I’m probably going to take a bit of flack from other real estate agents for this article but I want your house to be SOLD.  That’s my goal as a REALTOR®, that my seller’s home sells and FAST!
Have you thought about making your laundry room stand out?  This may seem out of the ordinary REALTOR® advice, but you want your house to be memorable. Why not do it in a small room in the house? Most agents will tell you this is a turn off to buyers, I don’t think so!  Here’s why,  it’s a small utilitarian room anyhow, why not be remembered as the “neon green laundry room”, instead of “which house was that?”.  It’s an easy room to paint if a homebuyer chooses to change your stand out laundry room.

 Make it a fun utilitarian room

Laundry room with painted patterned walls - storage

Make it a room someone wants to spend time

Laundry room with desk

Add Color (this may be a bit crazy)

Wallpaper in the Laundry room - crazy pattern

Paint a Pattern

Paint Stripes in the Laundry Room

Stripes are popular!

Bold & Classy at the same time

Classic Bold Laundry Room

Just Classy

More muted wallpaper

Charlie Allred is a Phoenix based real estate broker, designated broker for Secure Real Estate and an online marketing expert.  She helps her home seller’s homes be found everywhere online.  She is also a Pinterest expert teaching other agents how to gain more leads, followers & clients by using Pinterest.  She is the mother of twin daughters.
*My side note: I never take a homebuyer to look at more than 6 homes in one day! It’s too many to remember.  Pick the best 6 and your new home will be in the bunch!

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