Friday, February 28, 2014

Why Hasn’t Your Home Sold? 5 Major Reasons Your Home Hasn’t Sold

The real estate market in Maricopa County has definitely slowed in the past few months.
Homes sold hit a 5 year low in November of 2013 and has continued.
There are a limited number of buyers,  and plenty of homes that haven’t sold.  It’s human nature after a while, for a seller to ask “why hasn’t our house sold?”.
The longer your home sits on the market, the closer the home is to a stigma of being undesirable or even unsellable.  This is of course not what you want for your home.
Here are the five major reasons your home is not selling, check these out to find the reason that suits your house.  Identifying the problem is the first step to getting on the right track to sell your home.
5 Major Reasons Your Home Hasn't Sold

Reason #1 – Priced Wrong

The home isn’t priced right.  It is most likely priced too high.  In many cases, real estate agents price a home high to either pacify the home seller or to obtain the listing by suggesting a price on the high end of the neighborhood comparables.  There is a good amount of analysis that should be considered when choosing a list price.  None of this includes: what zillow says the home is worth, the mortgage amount owed or what the homeowner believes their house is worth.

Reason #2 – Undesirable Location

The home is in an undesirable location.  This is a tough one to swallow for any homeowner.  With the economic downturn, many neighborhoods became more distressed and are now deemed less desirable.  The neighborhood being less desirable also drives the home prices down.  The neighborhood being less desirable goes hand and hand with the home being priced too high.
Barbed wire


Reason #3 – Home Presentation

The home wasn’t presented well.  Remember over 90% of home buyers search online for their new home!  Are the photos of the home dark?  Was the home not properly decluttered prior to the photos? Poor presentation online is a significant factor to home buyers wanting to view your home.  It’s a preview of the home, why not make it the best preview possible?  You only get one chance to make a first impression and you want the buyer’s first impression to be “I found our new house!”
home Staged before & After

Reason #4 – Clutter

The potential buyer may have liked your online presentation, but they come to see your home and it is cluttered.  They are not able to see past your belongings to see theirs in the home.  Step one of selling your home is clearing the clutter, even before your REALTOR® comes to see the home.  Once you meet with your REALTOR® , they should give you home design advice to make the best first impression you can with potential buyers.

Clutter - disgusting


Reason #5 – Seller Cooperation

The homeowner isn’t cooperative.  I hate to say this, but it’s true.  If the home is difficult to schedule showings or a buyer has to work to see the home, this detours buyers.  When buyers have plenty of homes to choose from, make yours the one they see and choose to purchase!

Charlie Allred is a Phoenix based real estate broker, designated broker for Secure Real Estate and an online marketing expert.  She helps her home seller’s homes be found everywhere online.  She is also a Pinterest expert teaching other real agents how to gain more leads, followers & clients by using Pinterest.  She is the mother of twin daughters.

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