Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to Save Your Health While Sitting for 10 Hours a Day

I bet everyone who reads DesignFloat blog spends at least 10 hours a day just sitting. When I say sitting I don’t mean this:
Usually it looks like this…
…especially if you’re a freelancer and you’re working at home.
You will say how does this blog post relate to a web design?! Actually there is a direct connection between these two things. Every person who has a sedentary work endanger their health, workers of an “Internet sphere” are not an exception.

So listen! After I’ve changed my desk from something like 2,5 feet wide, to a 6 feet my working space increased more than 2 times, though I decided to keep my chair. At that moment I thought that it’s the best chair in the world, though I’ve missed one thing.
The seat was a bit crooked, left site was almost an inch lower that the right side. This tilt + constant sitting gave me something called the compression of a sciatic nerve (sounds as bad as it is.) The physiotherapist whom I’ve addressed said that it’s a common thing among people who sit a lot. And he gave me an advice that I gladly followed. The man advised me to change that office chair with a bean bag.
I came across Sumolounge company they sell high-quality bean bags, after I’ve examined the reviews I decided to get a Sumo Gamer bag, so this thing is not only big and soft, but it’s an ideal piece of furniture for those who sit a lot.
Probably the best thing about the Gamer bean bag is that it unites three things in one: a working place, a highly-comfortable arm-chair and a bed! While spending at least 10 hours a day in front of a computer screen Sumo Gamer Chair gives a chance to relax while working, and to work while relaxing. Forget about the pain in the back and numbing feet, just have a sit on it and you will feel as if you’re floating. For me this was a “love from a first sit”, and I don’t think that I’ll ever return to those conventional office chairs.

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