Tuesday, February 25, 2014

After the Holidays: 3 Tips for Transitioning Into the New Year

Weeks of preparation can go into the holidays. December is a time for rest and recovery, for spending time with loved ones and counting one’s blessings. When the calendar turns over and New Year’s passes however, we all come back to earth. Sometimes the transition can be tough to handle. With all the holiday distractions done for the year, it is back to an empty calendar and an unknown future. Looking around at your holiday décor, you see piles of housework waiting for you as you clean up. You may also feel like you’re in a bit of an emotional slump when you head back to the office.
Here are 3 tips to transition back into real life.
1. Clean up intelligently.
Get organized as you’re packing away your holiday supplies. Get a plastic container with compartments to organize your ornaments. This will protect them and keep them organized for next year. For your lights, you can purchase a Christmas light bag with a spool inside that allows you to neatly wind up your lights. It can also make them easier to string the next year. If you had a real tree, you can recycle it (fake trees of course are wonderfully easy to pack up and set up each year, and protect the environment). If you have poinsettias or other holiday plants, take care of them. They can live for years. They are not necessarily seasonal. A lot of your gift wrap can actually be used for presents next year, so store away pieces which are large enough to use next year. It will save you money.
Smart holiday cleanup helps facilitate next year’s decoration, which will make holiday planning more manageable in the future. That way you can also look forward to next year’s holidays as you are cleaning up, instead of thinking how sad you are that this year they are over.
2. Detox with a fresh diet.
Odds are that you ate more than usual over the holidays, particularly sweets. If you look up holiday detox diets online, you will find plenty of dieting ideas for dropping those extra pounds. Don’t wait until beach season to start returning to healthy eating and lifestyle choices.
3. Fend off the post-holiday blues.
A lot of people get depressed after the holidays are over. With the rest period over, it is time to return to work and responsibility. That doesn’t mean it’s time to stop being grateful for everything that you have in your life, though. Think of the New Year as a time to celebrate your accomplishments over the past year, and time to look forward to accomplishments this year. Come up with personal goals for this year. Make some New Year’s resolutions. Look forward to a tax refund. Think positively.
Transitioning back into “real life” after the holidays can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be a negative time, and you don’t have to look at your cleanup as a signal that the fun is over. Instead, look toward the future. Your year is just beginning, and the holidays will roll around again soon enough. And when they do, you will be ready to enjoy the best holiday season yet.

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