Monday, March 10, 2014

Save The Children makes Most Shocking Second a Day Video

Save The Children UK has attracted over 12 million views of “The Most Shocking Second A Day Video”, a PSA designed to raise awareness of the impact of civil war on Syrian children. Inspired by the 1 Second Every Day meme, the video follows the life of a nine year old girl living in London. The video begins with a happy family celebration, flashes through 63 one second shots before ending with a grim birthday celebration in a hospital, without a home, without a father. “Just because it isn’t happening here, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.” Viewers are connected to the site and encouraged to spread the message with the hashtag #SaveSyriasChildren
Save The Children Syria Girl in London

Director Martin Stirling gives his perspective on the filming of the PSA.
“We wanted to make something which would resonate on a global stage which felt contemporary and relevant to modern audiences. This directly fed into our creative treatment which became framed by the ‘one second a day’ device. The rest was down to the performance from the girl – Lily gave one of the best performances I’ve ever seen. For this reason I wanted to keep the effects and technical aspects as invisible as possible. A lot of inspiration came from the 80′s TV movie Threads which used radio and TV broadcasts in the background to tell the story.”
Save The Children Syria Girl in London
Save The Children Syria Girl in London
Save The Children Syria Girl in London
Save The Children This Shouldn't Be Happening


The Second A Day campaign was developed at Don’t Panic London by creative director/copywriter Richard Beer, managing director Joe Wade, account manager Sam Adams and project manager Christina Chan.
Filming was shot by director Martin Stirling via Unit9 with director of photographyJacob Proud, executive producers Elliott Tagg and Michelle Craig, producer Geoff Morgan, editor Alex Burt, art director Charlotte Cooke, 1st AD Erica Gianesini, costume designer Joseph Crone and makeup artist Katie Coward.
Post production was done at Smoke & Mirrors.
Sound was produced by Jon Clarke at Factory.
Actors were Lily-Rose Aslandogdu (girl), Michelle Archer (mother), Timothy Bond (father) and Kaizer Akhtar (boy).

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