Tuesday, March 25, 2014

SENA14: Fish Fun & Photos

"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."
--John F. Kennedy

Every year at the Seafood Expo North America, I take a few hundred photos of all of the fascinating things I find there, including plenty of fish heads. Not all of those photos easily fit into my other posts, but I still want to share them with my readers. Thus, I have collected a group of photos here for your viewing pleasure. I've added captions (some serious, some humorous, to some of the photos. Please enjoy this visual journey through the warped eye of the Fish Head Whisperer.

Look at me! I can stand on my head without using my fins.

It looks like these frog legs are dancing the Can-Can, with the lettuce serving as their dress.

That is lobster perfection, with the meat expertly extracted to reform a lobster without the shell.

Would you like to try bobbing for crabs? Unlike apples though, they might bite back.

"Me eel brothers, let me release you from the prison of all that plastic. I want you to be free!"

Sumo crab, ready to battle.

"Look, up in the sky. Is it a bird? A plane? No, it is a humongous fish!"

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