Saturday, March 15, 2014


Nowadays, pretty much every business and business professional is on LinkedIn. But are they generating LinkedIn referrals?
It’s clear that there is enormous potential to be gained from using LinkedIn effectively. Referrals lead to new connections, which can lead to sales.
And depending on your business or industry, each sale could lead to significant earnings.
With that in mind, here’s 3 quick ways that you can start generating more LinkedIn referrals today.

1. Actually asking for, and acting on, LinkedIn referrals

If you’re keen on keeping LinkedIn solely to your immediate professional network, then it’s probably best to stop reading articles about how to generate more referrals and leads.
So chances are you are open to extending your network of like-minded business professionals.
Now, how many times have you seen something along the lines of…
“I’m looking to be introduced to John, director for Company X.”
…in your inbox?
I’m certain there are hundreds, probably thousands, of referrals made like this every day.
The difference is what you do with it.
Start actively asking people for LinkedIn referrals, but don’t stop there. ACT upon them too!
Start following up on all the LinkedIn referrals and you could soon realise how much it can boost your bottom line.

2. Leverage your contact lists network for LinkedIn referrals

Start spending fifteen minutes a day investigating your contacts connections to identify who you don’t know personally but would like to meet. Make a note of these people.
Depending on the strength of your existing contact relationship, various approaches might appropriate.
It could be that well-known business connections would have no problem going out of their way to introduce you to someone they know.
It might even be that they would prefer to do it in person and arrange a meeting between the three of you.
Either way, stagger your efforts into a daily routine, so that you are always building your network and making the best possible use out of it.

3. Be strategic with your LinkedIn referral tactics

99% of companies on LinkedIn take a scattered approach to LinkedIn. Be strategic. Use LinkedIn as a business asset for the long term.
Build your network strength and depth by taking real time to connect with influential contacts in your industry.
Try to create a focused routine – identify the top 100 businesses you wish to do business with and start building relationships with people in specific roles within those companies.
Start making LinkedIn about both what you know and who you know.

Learn Some LinkedIn Stats

Check out this infographic by which provides some interesting stats on why LinkedIn referrals make a difference.
LinkedIn Referrals
Infographic courtesy of

Do You Value LinkedIn Referrals?

Are you actively seeking to generate quality LinkedIn referrals?
Do you have a short, medium and long term plan for generating LinkedIn referrals and leveraging your networks?

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